Better Questing Mod 1.12.2 is a questing mod designed to give pack developers the ultimate set of in game editors and tools to create quests from simple to-do lists to massive themed story lines spanning multiple dimensions. It also contains a bunch of functions for mod developers to hook into to further expand its functionality and customisability. On top of all this, the mod saves all of its data into human readable JSON allowing for external editors to take over. When the sky is the limit, what story will you write?


For a long time now I’ve wanted to see mod packs do more with the tasks players would undertake on their journey’s but as it is, there is only so much you can do with the existing questing mods out there. I took it upon myself to spend the last few months working on a replacement that was completely modular so that any mod developer could create expansions and themes that builds upon the existing mod allowing for pack developers to have limitless choice in what they can do with their stories and adventures.

Better Questing mod commands:

There are only a handful of commands you need to know when working with Better Questing. They are separated into user commands that anyone can run and admin commands which are restricted to server operators.

/bq_user refresh

Manually resyncs the local questing database with the server in case of potential desync issues.

/bq_user help

Gives the player a copy of the in game starter guide.

/bq_admin edit

Toggles quest editing mode on and off. When enabled, operators will be able to access the editing menus for quests and quest lines. Remember to disable this before publishing packs or quests.

/bq_admin hardcore

Toggles on and off the use of hardcore lives. When all lives have been depleted, players will be banned from the server or have their world deleted as per standard vanilla hardcore.

/bq_admin reset [all|<quest_id>] [username|uuid]

Erases quest completion data for the given user. Handy to use before publishing packs.

/bq_admin default [save|load]

Saves/loads the current quest database to/from the global default directory. Setting defaults means any newly created worlds will start with that particular set of quests. Saving will also preserve completion data, hardcore state and edit mode so be sure to use the various other command as necessary before running this one.

/bq_admin complete <quest_id> [username|uuid]

Force completes a quest for the given user

/bq_admin delete [all|<quest_id>]

Deletes given quest(s) and progression data however it does not delete new world defaults.

Better-Questing-mod-starter-guide Better-Questing-modFeatures:
– Lots of in game editors for customising all aspects of your quests
– Automatic quest tree generation
– Party management
– Hardcore lives
– Allows pack developers to fully localise their quests with resource packs
– Customisable themes to better suit your pack (Requires expansions)
– Expandable set of task and rewards types (Requires expansions)
– Importers for other mods (Requires expansions)
– Skyrim-like notifications when quests are complete
– Full screen GUIs for less cramped editors
– All quest data is saved in JSON for external editors to manipulate

– This is the base mod and contains only the base functionality for expansion packs to build upon.
Please go download the Standard Expansion to get you started.
– BQ1 (1.x.x) expansions are NOT compatible with BQ2 (2.x.x) releases! Always check your versions before updatingBetter-Questing-mod-crafted

How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

Download Links for Better Questing 1.12.2:

BetterQuesting-3.5.329.jar (1.24 MB – Update last Released File on May 07, 2020)