BetterEnd (Forge) mod 1.16.5 is a Forge port of the BetterEnd mod, which was originally made for the Fabric mod loader. This port is directed to those who like the BetterEnd mod and want to try it out alongside their favourite Forge mods.
This mod gives a whole new look to the End dimension, by adding new biomes, blocks, mobs and gameplay mechanics. Each biome is unique in its appearance and has its own set of features
1) Why the new biomes are not generating in the End?
This could mean: – Your world was already generated before this mod was installed
– You are already using another mod or datapack that uses its own end biome provider.
To solve this you have to manually change the biome source for the end dimension. To do that you can refer to the guide posted by the author of the BetterEnd mod, here: Please notice that the end biome provider of my port has a slightly different name than the one showed in the guide. When using my port you have to put this string as the biome source type: betterendforge:betterend_biome_provider
2) Will you backport this mod to the X version?
Most likely not, unless a team of (capable) volunteers joins me in this project. Unfortunately the difference between the 1.16 and earlier versions of the game is pretty huge, and rewriting a mod with so much content basically from scratch would be a massive effort.
3) Will you keep updating this mod?
Yes i will keep adding content to try to catch up with the original mod. Updating to future version of minecraft (unless a vanilla update for the End comes out) is very likely.
4) Will you add features of your own to this mod?
Simple answer, no, and please, do not ask for it or make suggestions about features you would like to see in this mod. This is intended as a faithful port, so only the original features will be added. If i want to add content of my own to the End, i may create another mod for that.
5) Is this mod compatible with other biome mods?
Yes, it should be, as long as you follow point 1)
How to install:
- Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge
- Locate the minecraft application folder.
- On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
- Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder /.minecraft/mods
- Launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.
BetterEnd (Forge) mod download links:
betterendforge-1.16.5-1.6.3.jar (77.03 MB – Supported Minecraft 1.18.2 Versions)