Extended Crafting table mod 1.19.2, 1.18.2, 1.12.2 adds more ways to craft items, more items to craft with, and more utilities for crafting. The mod ExtendedCrafting-1.12.2-1.5.6.jar doesn’t do much on it’s own and is intended to be configured heavily. All the recipes and settings should be changed to fit the progression of the modpack it’s in and how the modpack developer wants it to be used.

Automation Interface improvements:

  • View recipe GUI overhaul:
    • Fixed weird lighting of block icons
  • A ghost item of the saved recipe’s craft result will now render in-world (can be disabled)
  • Shift-clicking one of the direction buttons in the config gui will set it to ‘none’
  • Crafting Table improvements:
    • The Basic Crafting Table can now be used to craft vanilla recipes (can be disabled)
    • Revamped grid inventories to significantly improve performance
  • The Quantum Compressor will no longer render a ghost item if there’s a block above it
  • Disabled the ability for the Quantum Compressor to be rotated to prevent inventory loss
  • Updated guide book information

Extended Crafting mod 1.12.2

Combination Crafting:

  • Combination crafting is a multiblock crafting setup that consists of a Crafting Core and Pedestals.
  • The Crafting Core goes in the center of this structure, and Pedestals can go anywhere around it in a 7×7 area.
  • Combination crafting uses RF to craft, which you need to give to the Crafting Core.
  • An input item needs to be placed on top of the Crafting Core, and all Pedestal items go on the pedestals.
  • You can right click on any side besides the top of the Crafting Core to see a GUI with information about the current setup and recipe.
  • The speed of each recipe’s craft is dependent on the recipes RF cost / the recipes RF rate.

Table Crafting:

  • Table crafting is a tier’d crafting table system, consisting of new Crafting Tables.
  • These tiers include 1. Basic (3×3), 2. Advanced (5×5), 3. Elite (7×7), and 4. Ultimate (9×9).
  • Recipes can either be tier independent, and work in all tables with enough space, or tier dependent and only work in the tier specified.
  • These tables have a seperate recipe pool and do not work with regular crafting recipes.

Ender Crafting:

  • If you’ve ever used the QED from previous Extra Utilities versions, it’s pretty much that.
  • The Ender Crafter will use the power of all the Ender Alternators in a 7x7x7 area around it, with the Ender Crafter being the center block.
  • The more Ender Alternators in the area, the faster it will craft.
  • The Ender Crafter can be automated using the Automation Interface.
  • The mod comes with some default Singularities, which can be individually disabled in the config.
  • You can add your own Singularities very easily using the configuration file.
  • The mod also adds an Ultimate Singularity, crafted by placing one of each singularity in an Ultimate Crafting Table.
  • You can blacklist default and custom Singularities from this recipe in the configuration file.
Automation Interface:
  • A block used to automate table and Ender Crafter crafting recipes.
  • Place it on top of a basic -> ultimate table or Ender Crafter.
  • Set up a recipe in the table, then press “Save Recipe” in the interface.
  • You can then insert items into the interface, and it will evenly distribute them around the grid.
  • It will also auto-craft the recipe if it’s valid.
  • It also has auto-insert and auto-extract capabilities.
  • You can also chose to enable Auto Eject mode.
  • Every item movement action costs RF, which can be configured in the config.
Other Things:
  • This mod adds a Handheld Crafting Table item for on-the-go crafting.
  • This mod adds an item for easy CraftTweaker recipe making for it’s tables, called the Recipe Maker.
  • There is an in-game guide book that explains how the things in the mod work.

Extended Crafting screenshots 2 Extended Crafting screenshots

How to install:

    • Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge and  Cucumber Library + CraftTweaker
    • Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
    • Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
    • When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

Download Links for Extended Crafting mod:

ExtendedCrafting-1.12.2-1.5.6.jar (421.77 KB – Supported Minecraft 1.12.2 Versions)
ExtendedCrafting-1.19.1-5.0.0.jar (521 KB – Supported Minecraft 1.19.2 Versions)
ExtendedCrafting-1.16.5-3.1.12.jar (507.67 KB – Supported Minecraft 1.16.5 Versions)
ExtendedCrafting-1.18.2-4.1.1.jar (509 KB – Supported Minecraft 1.18.2 Versions)
(Update last Released File on July 20, 2022)