Mekanica mod 1.12.2 for minecraft is a fork of the Mekanism mod featuring high-tech machinery that can be used to create powerful tools, armor, and weapons. This fork is fully backwards-compatible with Mekanism, with a focus on delivering the same features with better performance and fewer bugs.

As of the initial release of this mod, we’ve reduced the size of the code base by 12% (~18k LOC); less code means less bugs!

Major Improvements

  • Overhauled entire sound system to work reliably with mufflers; reduced size of sound files by 90%
  • Deduplicated code across the GUI to allow for consistency and easier maintenance
  • Made first pass at improving custom item model rendering
  • Removed voice-server functionality; have 5% of your CPU back!
  • Changed gases to use tints instead of textures; less memory, easier to change and differentiate visually
  • Improved CraftTweaker support; reduced associated log spam
  • Added a removeAllRecipes() CraftTweaker method to each type. This removes all the built in recipes of that type.
  • Osmium Compressor, Chemical Injection Chamber, and the Purification Chamber, now accept any gas that they have recipes added for via CraftTweaker.
  • Improved charging of custom IC2 items (such as armor w/ jetpack attachments)
  • Block of Charcoal burn time is now the standard 16000 ticks
  • Disabled factories/machines no longer show up in JEI and various other JEI rendering fixes.
  • Bronze recipe is now the standard 3 copper/1 tin = 4 bronze
  • Glowstone and Refined Obsidian nuggets are craftable, and can be crafted back into their ingot variant.
  • Fix bug in chunk loaders which caused them not to restore state on server restart
  • Made things more cross compatible with other mods by moving Entity and Recipe registration to their proper registry events.
  • Fix bugs in Thermal Evap containers, rendering of certain item models on 1.12.2, and many other minor bugs


Mekanica mod screenshots 1 Mekanica mod screenshots 2 Mekanica mod screenshots 3

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • If I replace Mekanism with Mekanica, will my world still work?
    Yes. This mod aims to maintain full backward compatibility. Our focus right now is on improving performance, quality and maintability, not introducing new content. The one notable change that might break compatibility at this point is the removal of the voice server functionality. We might add/remove content in the future, but when that happens there will be ample and LOUD notice.

How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder /.minecraft/mods
  4. Launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Mekanica mod latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!

Download Links for Mekanica mod 1.12.2:

mekanica-1.12.2-1.2.0.jar (7.46 MB – Update last Released File on April 04, 2019)