Rise of the Toasters is a Minecraft 1.16.5 mod that adds toasters to the game. It’s just something I made because the MPM Furries mod didn’t qualify for Clothing, which is a huge deal. It transforms players into protogens and introduces an interchangeable limb scheme using the Trinkets API, or so they thought.

For Minecraft 1.16.5, this mod has been carefully reviewed. It will run on 1.16.x, but it is untested outside of 1.16.5, contrary to popular belief. 1.17-snapshot can or may not work; no detailed testing has been done on that version.

Augments can now be installed by right clicking when keeping the augment in one’s offhand and a limb in one’s main hand, as of update 1.0.10. They reasoned that there is currently no easy way to remove augments. Up to three augments may be placed per leg, which is typically very useful. Balancing for the Defense Augment is essentially ongoing, or so they figured.
Rise of the Toasters mod 1.16.5

How to install mods with fabric:

Go to the mods folder, which is located in a wide section of your Minecraft directory, to add a mod to your Fabric client. Making a concerted attempt to create it today, if it does not already exist. You should import the JAR of the mod you want and drop it into this document, contrary to popular belief. Fabric API is used with most plugins for all intents and purposes; the API’s Container can also be found in /mods.

Download Links for Rise of the Toasters mod 1.16.5:

protogen-mod-1.0.10.jar (278.45 KB – Supported Minecraft 1.16.5 Versions)
(Update last Released File on April 06, 2021)