MOD StorageDrawers-1.12.2-5.3.7.jar download (TORAGE DRAWERS | Mod Showcase) – Chests are great for storage, but they do have their limits. For once, if there is a solid block directly above a chest, it won’t even open until the block is removed or the chest is broken and placed elsewhere. This is beyond annoying, and many players have gone as far as changing the layout of their house or base to accommodate this. The Storage Drawers mod does away with all this nonsense by giving players access to storage containers which open outward rather than upward. This means you can stack stuff right on top of your drawers and still access the goods held within.

Put your most frequently used items within convenient reach. Storage Drawers borrows ideas from Jabba and Bibliocraft, resulting in a highly functional, compact, and aesthetic storage solution that is meant to complement rather than replace those mods.


There is no traditional slotted inventory with these containers. Interaction is click-based similar to Jabba. Clicking on one of drawers on front will interact with that drawer.

  • Right-Click: Insert full stack in hand into drawer (or partial stack if the drawer fills).
  • Double-Right-Click: Insert all compatible stacks in inventory into drawer (or until drawer fills).
  • Left-Click: Remove a single item from the drawer.
  • Shift+Left-Click: Remove a full stack from the drawer.
  • Shift+Right-Click with empty hand: Open a UI to see exact item counts and manage applied upgrades.

The shift-click behavior is reversed from Jabba. This is based on the theory that you normally interact with stacks in Jabba, but will want to normally interact with single items in Storage Drawers. The controls can be reversed in the mod config to match Jabba.


Every block and item can be individually disabled in the mod’s configuration file. If you ever run into trouble with a specific block, like the controller, disabling the block will let Forge remove it from your world without needing to disable the entire mod and lose all your stored items.

Many individual features and aspects of the mod can also be changed in the configuration, including base storage sizes and recipe outputs.

The full configuration is available through Forge’s mod config screens, accessible from the title screen.

You’ll be spamming left and right clicks a lot while interacting with the drawers, but there’s nothing for it. This can make the Storage Drawers mod kind of annoying for some players, but the fact they can hold so much stuff in them is something that just can’t be ignored. The drawers come in five different sizes – half 2×2, half 1×2, full 2×2, full 1×2 and full 1×1. Though it might sound like the smallest one, the full 1×1 can actually hold 32 stacks of blocks per drawer, with several drawers being in a single block. Once you work out how to deposit and retrieve items, this mod is excellent.

Download: StorageDrawers-1.12.2-5.3.7.jar