Xray Ultimate Resource Pack 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.12.2 for Minecraft 2022 by Filmjolk – for all of those who need it. Ores and Mineral blocks are shamelessly highlighted as shown in the pictures. Be sure to pick up Optifine for the extra night vision effect. So that you can see the hidden ores, also turn off smooth lighting. It is much easier to use than X-ray Mod, so pick it up before you try anything stupid. Making a comeback, It’s surely won’t disappoint you with all new features and better vision to see through things. Very standard resolution of 16x which is similar to the vanilla textures, there won’t be much of a problem to run X-Ray Ultimate.
For individuals who require it, an X-ray kit is available. As shown in the photos, ore and mineral blocks are prominently displayed.
Optifine is a must-have for the added nightvision effect. Turn off smooth lighting as well so you can view the buried ores.
A red square appears on monster blocks (silver fish blocks). The texture is based on the redstone block to ensure compatibility with most packs (if the target pack has a rather unusual redstone block the square might not be as obvious as in default)
xray Guide
With this patch, you may also utilize Optifine to see through the dark in a subtle way. The ores are really darker and more difficult to discern in a subtle way without Optifine. If you’re looking for a certain ore, the Xray Ultimate with Optifine is a good option.
If you’re out ore-hunting, Visible Ores is a great texture pack to have because it allows you to view ore chunks in a big way. Visible Ores makes ore chunks shine brighter than their surroundings, making them much simpler to spot. The Visible Ores must be placed above Xray Ultimate in the resource pack menu, or so they believed.
How To Install Xray Ultimate Resourcepacks:
- Download a resource pack, you should get a .zip file
- Open the folder to which you downloaded the file
- Copy the .zip file
- Open Minecraft
- Click on “Options”, then “Resource Packs”
- Choose “Open resource pack folder”
- Paste the .zip file into that resource pack folder.
Minecraft xray texture pack download:
Xray_Ultimate_1.18_v4.2.1.zip (444.71 KB – Supported Minecraft 1.18.2 Versions)
Xray_Ultimate_1.17_v4.1.2.zip (496.63 KB – Supported Minecraft 1.17.1 Versions)
Xray_Ultimate_1.12_v2.3.1.zip (211.72 KB – Supported Minecraft 1.12.2 and 1.7+++ Versions)
Xray_Ultimate_1.19_v4.2.3.zip (512.78 KB – Supported Minecraft 1.19.1 Versions)
(Update last Released File on August 16, 2022)